Monday, June 11, 2007

Update (and Links!)

If yesterday's mission statement-proclaiming post didn't clue you in, today we're making it official. Many of you know that The Yuba Post originally went online in "beta-mode" status, meaning that our readership was deliberately limited. Somewhere over the past few weeks, this beta-mode status completely evaporated, giving way to enormous, worldwide fame. Given this situation, we have no choice but to officially declare an end to "beta-mode." ...Here it goes:

This is the end of "beta-mode."

But - and this is terribly important - do not assume this new, "official" status will imply an improvement in quality. The last thing we want is raised expectations. Keep them low. Very low.

Also, now that we're no longer in "beta-mode," please feel free to share this blog with whomever might be interested. That is, if you can find someone with Internet access who doesn't already check our site daily. On that note (and in an attempt to make "official" mode different from "beta-mode") we've recently added some links to our favorite websites on the sidebar. Don't miss the Yuba map, where you can see Yuba in all its Google-map glory. And for movie and music reviews, The Static and CineZig will keep you up-to-date on all the new Yuba releases. We've also linked to the blog of famous Yuba socialite Yurpa, where you can read all the latest town gossip and also eat cupcakes. Finally, our financial manager, Nik Frank-Lehrer, has demanded we link to his blog, threatening to flee to Madagascar with our funds if we refused.

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