Friday, September 21, 2007

A Special Thanks to a Special Liga

It's a slow news day in Yuba, so the Yuba Post would like to take this opportunity to address the Serbian professional basketball league: On behalf of the entire Yuba community, we'd like to sincerely thank you for naming your league in our town's honor. It is truly a privilege and a surprise to be recognized by an organization as far away as... wherever you are. Europe, maybe? So thank you, Yuba Liga, for molding your name after our humble town. We only hope that this tribute is the first step in your eventual agreement to break from the International Olympic Committee and participate in our "boycotted" Olympic Games, whenever they should be held. Until that day, Yuba Liga, we wish you the best of luck in your continuing mastery over the sport of basketball.


Vladmir Schumutz said...

I tripped on the internet page you are responsible for making in mistake. Yuba team no 1!! Ball in the hoop, yeah! Huge fan! USA no. 1! NBA No. 1! Go Miami Hot! Go Pheenix son!

Pop Doyle said...

Mr. Schumutz! Please send Serbian LimerickPics!