Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jalen's Column

Jalen the Cat here. As you may have noticed, the Post editors have been a little "busy" this past week (little writing, lots of slacking, if you ask me), so I got roped into doing a second column. As if I have nothing better to do! Humans aren't the only ones with lives, you know! I'm giving up my 12th nap - my favorite - today to get this done!

Anyway, I'll keep it short and just post an interesting link I came across. It concerns an old grade school classmate of mine named Oscar. He was in a news story that was picked up by the national press (though not by the Yuba Post, of course, since the editors have no idea that life actually exists outside of this wasted little outpost they call a city). Check out the story here. Oscar always was a strange little kitten (he had pierced ears and wore leather tail stockings) but I never imagined this.

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