Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Sports Page

This month, an aspiring fabled tradition begins as the Yuba Master's of Cribbage Association starts its inaugural season. The YMCA season will run through early September, culminating in the World Tournament Face-off. The YMCA is heavily promoting this championship event, using the slogan: "WTF is cribbage. WTF is Yuba."

Competing in the YMCA season are a wide assortment of cribbage professionals. The early favorite this year is Pop Doyle, a brilliant cribbage strategist who, in this author's opinion, will probably not give up a single peg to his competition all summer. Also competing are Kelly "The Crib Stealer" Edwards; Maxwell "Shuffle-Me-Timbers" Berry; Tight Shirt Hustler ("T-Huss"); and crowd favorite Jinny, known for her signature t-shirt slogan: "29 is the New 69."

Throughout the season, The Yuba Post will provide thorough coverage of YMCA matches and standings - especially on days when we can't think of anything else to write.

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