Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jalen's Column: I Am a Master of Hearts

Jalen the Cat here and I am a master of Hearts.

The other day I played the greatest game ever. I was up against Julius, Sammy and Bernard, so admittedly there wasn't much competition. But it was still incredible - this kind of performance would poof the tail of a Newark alley cat.

First hand, I shot the moon.
Second hand, I shot the moon.
Third hand, you guessed it, I shot the moon. Because I am awesome.

Forth hand was a hold hand, so I couldn't quite get my cards the way I like 'em. Still, I went for the moon... and lost the final two hearts on the last trick! Just like old Sammy to rain on my mouse parade.

But I wasn't giving up. I was gonna shoot the moon or lose my 4th life trying. Fifth hand...

Wham! Bam! Thank you Friskies! Game over!

This is Jalen the Cat and I am a master of Hearts.


Anonymous said...

Is Jalen sticking his tongue out?

Pop Doyle said...

Yes, actually, he is sticking his tongue out. He does that from time to time and it's always hilarious. I've never gotten a good picture of it before, but this time he serendipitously decided to stick it out right as I was taking pictures. Fantastic.